Monday, September 26, 2011

Fruit yum!

I took a picture of some fruit and then I drew the fruit. I love to draw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also love fruit and my favorite fruit is an apple. Yum . What's your favorite fruit ? I grew some watermelons this summer and they were so juicy and good. Yum !

Monday, September 12, 2011

Flowers Among You

I found a lot really pretty flowers. I just had to show you right away! But I don't really know what the names of the flowers are. I wish I had a garden filled with all the flowers that I saw it would be the prettiest flower garden in the whole world! My favorite flower is a daisy my mom planted a lot of daisies in are yard but she had to trim them back. I just love going outside and looking at all the pretty plants God made!